İzmir History and Art Museum
Kültürpark • Phone 232.445-6818
The museum comprises 3 section: Stone Works Section, Ceramic Works Section and Precious Works Section.
In Stone Works Section, sculpture works of Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Roman periods and the plastic works related to architecture are exhibited.
The heads and figurines discovered from İzmir Agora, Artemis - Poseidon – Demeter Relief, the sculpture of the River God Kaystros which is one of the prominent works of the Roman Period, the inscriptions found out in the construction of Basmane Station of İzmir Metro, various statues discovered from the upper floor in Metropolis Excavation, Metropolis Hall containing circle and rectangular altars, friezes of the Temple of Teos Dionysoss, reliefs of Miletus Theatre, heads from the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, reliefs of Belevi Monument Tomb, various heads and vowing stelas are exhibited. The antiques and ceramics which were discovered from Smyrna Topraklı Hill Town and Prehistorical settlements around İzmir and belong till the end of Byzantine Period can be seen.
Furthermore, there are oil-lamps and figurines, glass works, bronze works, Treasure Room and coins from various periods in Precious Works Section.